
Why South African Companies get Employee Engagement wrong.
The statistics on South African employee engagement paints a bleak picture. The facts are brutal. The employee engagement numbers of South Africans are amongst the lowest in the world. But why do South African companies get it wrong? It is not because of a lack of trying.

Servant Leadership: Principles, Practices and the Impact on Culture – #9Hope
The world needs hope. Countries need hope. Cities need hope. Businesses need hope. Individuals need hope. Servant Leaders understand this, acknowledge this, and act to bring hope to individuals in their teams.

For leaders to stay healthy…
In South Africa, one-third of our workforce suffer from severe anxiety and depression. That also means that one-third of leaders struggle with mental health.

Servant Leadership: Principles, Practices and the Impact on Culture – #8Innovation
Servant Leaders want to move beyond the first solution and find the best solution. New and better ways of serving our employees and customers are available, but for them to be found, innovation is necessary.

Servant Leadership: Principles, Practices and the Impact on Culture – #7Resilience
The Servant Leader assists their teams to develop the resilience needed to thrive in a highly competitive, complex, ambiguous, and constantly changing marketplace.